Sales Agency

‘Working with ITA has resulted in our sales continuing to grow steadily year on year.’

Chief Executive, Edinburgh University Press

Founded as a specialist sales agency and consultancy service for international publishers in the China book market, Ian Taylor Associates (ITA) has one focus: increasing sales for academic, professional, schools and ELT client publishers.

Since 2005, ITA has invested in the market. During that time, operating from its downtown office in Beijing, it has grown a dedicated local team who have built outstandingly strong links with local partners.

A strategy for publishing success in China

The strategy is single-minded: continuously to drill down through plentiful and accessible metadata to access, understand and work the individual detail lying beneath. Over years, the painstaking persistence that this requires has rewarded our clients well.

This unique and highly granular approach means that our clients benefit from:

  • ITA’s maintained and constantly improving comprehensive database of institutional and individual end-users
  • Targeted marketing to decision makers through WeChat and other channels
  • The team’s follow-up by phone, email and visits
  • The close relationships ITA staff nurture with importers and market makers
  • Prompt responses to endless in-market price/discount/availability queries
  • Doing it all again!

What Our Clients Say

‘ITA is different in that they understand growth is necessary.’

CEO, Peter Lang Academic Publishing Group

‘ITA has enabled Berghahn to have a strong presence in the growing and important Chinese market.’

Publisher, Berghahn

‘Their professionalism is unrivalled.’

Director of Sales & Marketing, Letterland